a pair of black and blue roller skates

Staying Sober: How to Use Sports to Battle Addiction

Sobriety is a critical function of recovering long-term, which is why individuals need to find the right strategies that work for them. This also includes indulging in community-based activities, such as swimming, sports, athletic events, yoga, and meditation. Community-based...

Sobriety is a critical function of recovering long-term, which is why individuals need to find the right strategies that work for them. This also includes indulging in community-based activities, such as swimming, sports, athletic events, yoga, and meditation. Community-based sports also allow you to network with like-minded people long-term.

A perfect approach to battling addiction is to focus on the sport of your choice. If you’ve played basketball all your life, or you were quite good at running, then you should try to reconnect with that positive platform. Sports can be a truly energizing force in one’s life, which is why it’s one of the best ways to battle addiction the right way.

Running for Mental Fitness

Running is a great exercise to indulge in, especially if you’re living in an area with parks, trails, and pathways. When you head out for a run, you’re able to reconnect with nature and take some time just for you. 

You can also practice your breathing techniques when you’re running longer distances. This will give you greater control over your body, as you increase the amount of oxygen that gets delivered to your brain. Your resting heart rate also lowers significantly as you become calmer and more agile.

Playing Basketball for Connection

Pickup basketball is one of the most popular activities that one can engage in, especially when recovering from addiction. The dopamine rush of hitting a deep three-pointer is enough to keep you going the entire week. Added to that, you can connect with the ballers at the gym and learn more about tournaments happening around your area.

You can also head on over to the park and play pickup basketball with the people there. You can practice your shooting, try to dunk a basketball or even connect with the local players over a BBQ. 

Range Practice and Hunting for Confidence

Hunting is another exhilarating activity that can allow you to connect with nature and access a community base via the sport. You can opt for target practice at an indoor range or take up hunting over the weekend as a supplementary exercise.

You can pick up the basic equipment, such as a great rifle, a high-quality rotary tumbler, and some loading trays and be on your way to the range. You can practice your shot and get better at aiming long-range. The joy of getting better at shooting allows you to feel a sense of renewed confidence within yourself.

The Mental and Physical Benefits of Sports

While exercise has its place in the world of recovery, it’s difficult to make it a long-term habit. That’s why sports are increasingly popular in the world of recovery, as it provides a fun outlet for recovering individuals in the real world. It also gives you a chance to disconnect for a little bit as you focus solely on the activity in front of you.

From a medical science point of view, the increased levels of dopamine and serotonin help normalize an addictive personality long-term. While the effects may be experienced after a few months of engagement, you can start to feel better almost immediately.

However, this isn’t always the case. While exercise and engaging in sports can often help you feel healthier and happier, they might not be the right long-term solution for your battle with addiction. The Los Angeles drug rehabilitation center can provide you with more intensive care as you work to overcome your addictions. Checking into rehab will allow you to focus entirely on your recovery while surrounded by professionals and others who are also working to recover. Don’t wait to make your recovery a priority.

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